原帖由 Raymond 於 4-5-2011 15:18 發表
復活節三部曲 果日晚飯後 有人向我訂了一隻Luxe Rocket營,請問是那一位??
另外,由於Rocket 在3-4年前已經停產,所以廠商已經冇存貨。
Luxe ...
Yes, I saw this new X-Rocket camp in MK's mountain equipment store, the prices is HK$635/set.
Hey, as I heard from Ah Chi, your friend have the 12V charging battery selling, so do you have any information for that? I 'm looking for 12V (with 5V USB) charging battery.
[ 本帖最後由 Rocky 於 2011-5-4 17:18 編輯 ] |