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發表於 2009-10-23 17:29:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
寄件人: toalyau <hiker_y@hotmail.com>
主題: [Akin Alliance North America] You Must Read This Post
收件人: akinna@yahoogroups.com
日期: 2009年10月12日,星期一,上午5:04

Hi Dear Friends:
How many times in a life time you can see your old friends who you have not seen for a very long time, perhaps for decades, together in one place doing the same thing? You are really lucky if the answer is more than ONCE. Now listen to this, this ONCE opportunity is just upon the horizon within your radar range.
Someone(s) have proposed that we should go camping together next year in the US southwest next summer. The time frame is between June 23 and mid-August, 2010 for a duration of 2 to 3 weeks. By camping we mean tenting in a National Park, or 'roughing it' if this is your terminology. We also understand that your life style might have changed and camping is no longer in your menu. But you can park your fear and I am confident that someone(s) with full outdoors experience in our group are more than delighted to guide through the steps, rejunvenilling your desire and natural instinct once again.
Where exactly? Yosemeti National Park through the "back doors". For years, this park has been the backyard of Yuen Lai Won and Lam Tung Shing and I am sure they will guide you through their secret spots that most experienced guides can not even match.
Next area of interest is the Grand Circle Tour of the SW mostly in the state of Utah. This tour is the mother of all National Parks. Utah has the highest concentration of Nat. Parks in all States. The parks of interest in the Grand Circle are: Starting closest to San Jose, counting clockwise, Zion NP, Bryce Canyon NP, Capitol Reef NP, Grande Staircase Escalante NP, Canyonland NP, Arches NP, Mesa Verde NP, Canyon De Chelly NP and Grand Canyon (North Rim) NP.
Normally, you can see the basic Grand Circle in 12 to 14 days. Pluse a few days in Yosemeti, you are looking at around 18 days as the minimum while you are actually in the area. Of course, we don't have to visit every stop in the Grand Circle (though highly recommended) and then we can bring down the number of days required. However, it all depends on what you wish to do. Without discussing with the Lam's., I personally recommend meeting at the Lam's residence at least the night before and we will start fresh the following morning.
Okay, I don't want to go into too much detail unless there is a support and commitment from you. For now, everything is flexible and only doable and if there is a 'go', we can plan something that can fit most of your desire.
For your information, I have posted all the parks in the Grand Circle Tour in our 'Photos' section in this web site. Please take a moment to look at them. I am sure Betty and TS or even the Internet can serve you well if you need information on Yosemeti.
Your opinion and your interest are important to us all.
Please let us know and please also help to spread the news to the friends who might not have a chance to read this message. Thanks a billion.

Rex Toalyau

發表於 2009-10-27 00:41:19 | 只看該作者
The route for circle tour lies in the Four Corners region of the US Southwest, comprising the state of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona and is also part of the Colorado Plateau. It has the highest concentration of National Parks, National Monuments and Scenic Byways in the US.

After actually looking at the map and consulting MapQuest, taking Las Vegas (LV) as a stepping off point for the combined Yosemite and Circle Tours can also be considered,

The following time and milage information to support that.

San Jose to Zion NP via Bakersfield and LV 10hr42/683miles
San Jose to Yosemite, 3hr49/193miles
Yosemite to Zion via Tioga Pass 9hr48/534miles

Las Vegas to Zion 2hr34/155miles
Las Vegas to Yosemite via Tioga 7hr34/414miles

Within the Grand Circle:

Zion NP to Bryce Canyon NP 2hr30/113miles
Bryce Canyon NP to Capitol Reef NP 2hr59/115miles
Capitol Reef to Canyonland NP (Moab) 2hr59/159miles
Canyonland NP to Arches NP (Moab) Just across the Rd
Arches NP to Monument Valley (Blanding) 1hr14/75miles
Monument Valley to Mesa Verde NP 2hr14/112miles
Mesa Verde to Canyon de Chelly NM 3hr54/178miles
Canyon de Chelly to North Rim (GrandCanyon) 6hr03/305miles
Canyon de Chelly to South Rim (GrandCanyon) 4hr28/236miles

North Rim to San Jose 13hr03/687miles
South Rim to San Jose 11hr26/706mile

North Rim to Yosemite (via Tioga) 13hr03/687miles
South Rim to Yosemite (via Bakersfield) 13hr52/823miles

A long distance drive cannot be avoided disregard the point of departure, San Jose or LV. In both situation,it is at the end of the first leg.

Driving within the Circle is very easy comparatively, see above.

That we should all fly into either LV or San Jose (SF). Rent a car. Do the trip and then take another flight to connect LV and San Jose (SF) to do the remaining trip with another rental car.
It is more expensive but it sure saves a lot of driving. The circle trip requires a duration of minimum of 10 days to an optional of 12 to 14 days. How it is done is up to you.

The purpose of this message is to help you to think about the possibility of the proposed trip. It is hard to do without the information. Now you have it. Think about it during the grey winter months and let us  know in next spring. So unless there is something else. Have a good warm winter.
 樓主| 發表於 2009-10-27 11:22:04 | 只看該作者
Thanks 鄧姑! I'll pose this in Akinalliance.group for the friends in North America to let them aware of what we've done in Hong Kong.
發表於 2009-10-29 00:17:09 | 只看該作者
 樓主| 發表於 2009-10-31 11:38:15 | 只看該作者
發表於 2009-10-31 16:02:04 | 只看該作者

回復 5# 秉記 的帖子


剛接最高指示,通知我  "我只能代表自已發聲、發誓、發癲、或發電,並不能代表其他任何人士的任何意向或其他行動"。   因此,上列陳述改正如下

我想去。    其他嗎?  關人,記得不要問我。

[ 本帖最後由 socheung 於 2009-11-1 22:51 編輯 ]
發表於 2009-11-1 12:08:09 | 只看該作者
喂, 蘇璋,唔好咁老套喎!MUD嘢叫做”賤內”,好似家春秋個老爺咁樣.
發表於 2009-11-1 21:50:26 | 只看該作者

回復 7# 黎猛 的帖子

再者,知你有否被人形容為"諸朋久友"、"4+4" 之類? 下次你眼眉 "條" 時,不妨"稱"一下你與蘇彰的交情,達到此 level 未。

最後,識你近三十八年(差一個月零幾日),連  賤名 都寫錯,可見你是多在雲端之上、甚少眼眉 "條" 之輩,亦等  彰 稱一下、你是 " 諸"、4 、或其他 level 。

[ 本帖最後由 socheung 於 2009-11-1 22:27 編輯 ]
發表於 2009-11-2 01:23:26 | 只看該作者
so cheong 大家幾+歲,開心過埋D餘生啦!千萬不要勞氣,怒則傷肝,血壓上升,陳軒為都有提示啦!保重!保重!
發表於 2009-11-2 01:25:38 | 只看該作者
又寫錯字cheung变咗cheong sorry!
發表於 2009-11-2 11:14:19 | 只看該作者

回復 8# socheung 的帖子

蘇彰,唔好意思,寫錯您個名 (其實我寫的時候已知道不是這個”璋”,不過一時執筆忘字求其找個字頂檔,sorry).其實看到您的電郵時,好羡慕您們還有如此好的腳骨力週處行山,我的腰腿不際,要逍遙遊就有所限制了.我看見"xx"一詞,覺得好好笑,以前年幼聽阿公會用這詞,心想我們差不多年紀唧,您唔駛做我阿公輩份.一時貪玩上網寫兩句,想不到做成暗湧,真是始料不及.好啦,講完笑就此一心放下
發表於 2009-11-2 12:26:24 | 只看該作者
北美之旅是很開心的一個旅程...許多朋友也可能會參與的...大家開心d 啦...唔需要再討論其餘事啦!!

在此我也謹代表其他的朋友向阿綿致歉....事源昨天活動完後大家茶餘飯後也有討論{賤內}這字眼, 純粹嬉笑...未想到一時戲言而激怒阿綿..非常抱歉!!


[ 本帖最後由 鄧姑 於 2009-11-2 12:30 編輯 ]
發表於 2009-11-2 12:30:51 | 只看該作者
發表於 2009-11-2 17:12:09 | 只看該作者

回復 6# socheung 的帖子

馬北 ——所言甚是,所見亦同。勞氣嗎!你都唔知我而家幾過癮。
黎猛 —— 廿年前己有人形容蘇宅為 家春秋 ,只欠一老爺,現亦如是,只多一多口老頭(後半截孫容基語)。
鄧姑  —— 文字遊戲,本不必介懷,唯有人認真對待, Alien 係咁稼啦。唯此次有意無意衰多手。慎言慎語嗎 -------  有   在時,或會收斂一些,以免唔覺意......踩親條尾。
林哥仔 —— 你升官 者,未升呢。  你現大慨初在 "     棍" 級,"棍仔"段。

[ 本帖最後由 socheung 於 2009-11-3 01:55 編輯 ]
 樓主| 發表於 2009-11-5 17:16:37 | 只看該作者
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