預先張揚...本年11月4日為苗圃挑戰12小時2012慈善越野馬拉松舉行日期, 我將代表同社加入籌委, 組織此次籌款活動, 屆時也須要大量幫手....作者: Tungtung 時間: 2012-3-20 11:26 回復 10#鄧姑
Why don't we have a team for the 12hrs race representing Akin Alliance?作者: Ah_Chai 時間: 2012-3-20 17:50
Nobody say that we can't have a team. How about you form a team behalf of Akin?作者: Tungtung 時間: 2012-3-23 22:23
我想我還是做工作者比較好。作者: toby 時間: 2012-3-27 12:58
非常歡迎你來幫手呀! 這次大規模活動..真係需要很多人出黎幫手架..
杜比...可否PM你的電話給我, 以便 ...
鄧姑 發表於 2012-3-4 22:01
can not PM u wor~
but my number is: 90431825作者: Tungtung 時間: 2012-3-27 17:28 回復 9#Tungtung
Sorry guys! I am not able to help on that day as it is our Parents' Day. As a class teacher I will have to meet all the parents in my class that day.作者: 鄧姑 時間: 2012-3-27 17:39