
標題: 加拿大好友霍偉成~~~ 祝願你早些康復.. [打印本頁]

作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-3-19 15:11
標題: 加拿大好友霍偉成~~~ 祝願你早些康復..

歡迎好友回來, 下星期一 ( 21/3/3011) 早上9時正於九龍新世紀廣場某酒樓茶聚, 歡迎各同社朋友齊來吹水....


[ 本帖最後由 鄧姑 於 2011-5-9 09:36 編輯 ]
作者: 黎猛    時間: 2011-3-21 15:13
作者: 黎猛    時間: 2011-3-21 16:56

作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-3-21 21:34
今早茶聚共有17人出席, 久沒見面大家話題不斷, 最關心的當然是健康養生之道啦! 席間梁焜鋼教我們健腿之道, 除要時時關注腿部健康外,還要有適當運動, 腳痛並不是只要唔行..唔走...整天坐便可解決, 這只會令軟組織更快消耗, 他還教了我們三套健腿操, 還說有沒有腳痛也可試食  Glucosamine Sulfate 作保健 , 每日要食1500mg, 只食500mg的, 作用不大.

專家之言.....我們一定謹記...飲完茶我拿拿臨走去買左一樽, 幾聽話..哈哈...

三黃, 影左相快d 貼上來

作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-3-21 21:40
意猶未盡....4月2日(星期六)我們相約霍偉成夫婦去行山, 由東涌行往大澳,

集合時間: 上午9時正

集合地點: 東涌地鐵站A 1 出口.

行程: 約3小時


作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-3-25 12:50

作者: leungyiuwai    時間: 2011-3-25 14:34

作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-4-1 22:24


集合時間: 上午9時正

集合地點: 東涌地鐵站A 1 出口.

行程: 約3小時

各位朋友明早見, 記得帶備充足糧水....及做足防曬呀!!

作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-4-11 20:57

作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-5-9 09:35
Message from Akin Alliance North America Group , toalyau~~~~ akinna@yahoogroups.com

I am sorry to inform you that Fred has fallen seriously ill due to viral infection of the spinal cord shortly after returning from his Asian trip. He has suffered multiple organ failure and has lost his vision and the legs paralysed. He is still in the NeuroScience Intensive Care Unit of the Vancouver General Hospital. He has undergone numerous tests, scans and treatment. More treatment is scheduled Monday the ninth. Hopefully, he will respond well and recover fully though may be slowly. The Fok family is undergoing intensive stress and hardship. We can offer our support during this difficult time. In doing so, we also have to understand them and their need for privacy.

霍偉成....加油呀! 全同社各人都支持你呀! 祝願你能早些康復..

[ 本帖最後由 鄧姑 於 2011-5-9 20:23 編輯 ]
作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-5-9 10:26
大家可通過以下e-mail address 向霍偉成問好...

Edith Yu Hung Tai ~~~ edithyu@shaw.ca

Fred Fok Wai Sing~~~ fredfok@shaw.ca

akinna@yahoogroups.com <akinna@yahoogroups.com>

[ 本帖最後由 鄧姑 於 2011-5-9 10:28 編輯 ]
作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-5-12 10:41
Message from Toalyau today's email:-

Fred was seated in a wheelchair for a period of time today. He is encouraged to be as active as he can manage. There is no improvement with his vision or his paralysed legs. He received the first of his 5 scheduled treatment yesterday. For now, he is very tired and has pain at various parts of the body.
作者: socheung    時間: 2011-5-18 00:52
原帖由 鄧姑 於 2011-5-12 10:41 發表
Message from Toalyau today's email:-

Fred was seated in a wheelchair for a period of time today. He is encouraged to be as active as he can manage. There is no improvement with his vision or his pa ...

As of May 16, Fred's condition with his eyes and legs remain unchanged. He is still in Vancouver General Hospital. The doctors have not been able to find any sign of virus in his body at this time. This has included using culture from sputum from his cough and biopsy from his lungs. Regardless, the hospital has treated this as a very important case and has assigned 2 teams to diagnose and investigate. One team is from chest/lung department and the other from neuro-science since his nervous system has been affected, resulting in vision and leg mobility issues. In addition, organs in his lower body continued to be affected.
Fred has further experienced bleeding from his lower body. As such, he is feeling relatively weak
A third team for Internal Medicine has been added for now to look after the bleeding issue.

作者: socheung    時間: 2011-5-22 00:13
原帖由 socheung 於 2011-5-18 00:52 發表

As of May 16, Fred's condition with his eyes and legs remain unchanged. He is still in Vancouver General Hospital. The doctors have not been able to find any sign o ...

Here below is extracted from the information by Cecilia Leung on AANA on May 20 :-
There has been no change for Fred as this time, no noticeable improvement for his eyes and legs, but no additional symptoms either. For Fred, there have been up and down moments during this trying period.
He has completed the 5 treatment sessions for plasma exchange. The family is following up with the doctors to find out what other treatment is being planned.
As per Edith, blood was taken out of and returned to Fred after the excess white blood cells ware removed. This is because the doctors believe Fred's immune system was generating antibodies to fight his own organs.
Edith would like to thank everyone of you again for your concerns and blessings. I have passed on regards to her, that have come my way.
作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-5-25 00:23
昨日在松贊林寺, 我也曾為霍偉成祈福, 希望他能早日康復...
作者: socheung    時間: 2011-5-28 12:43
標題: 回復 15# 鄧姑 的帖子
為保障霍家的私隱,我將最近在 AANA 的原文改貼在社員通訊內。若你想知近況而又不能進該頁,請來電話。

[ 本帖最後由 socheung 於 2011-5-28 13:44 編輯 ]
作者: socheung    時間: 2011-5-28 22:13
標題: 回復 16# socheung 的帖子
Here below is the disease which Fok suffered (posted by Yu HT on AANA):

Here is some information about the
Neuromyelitis Optica, more details can be found from the Links  National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. National Institutes of Health.
Neuromyelitis Optica is an uncommon disease syndrome of the central nervous system that affects the optic nerves and spinal cord. Individual wit  NMO develop optic neuritis, which causes pain in the eye an vision loss, and transverse myelitis, which causes weakness, numbness, and sometimes paralysis of the arms and legs, along with sensory disturbances and loss of bladder an bowel control . NMO leads to loss of myelin, which is a fatty substance that surrounds nerve fiber and leave areas of broken-down tissue. In the disease process of NMO. for reasons that aren"t yet clear, immune system cells and antobodies attack and destroy myelin cells in the optic nerves and spinal cord.
作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-6-4 11:56
Dear AA Friends,

Edith has some encouraging news to share with us.

After his first chemo treatment 化療, Edith reported that Fred is able to 見到影子了. He will continue to receive chemo once a month, with the expectation if the progression continues, he may be able to see colour 顏色 in the near future. Let's continue to pray for Fred.

The doctor sent Fred into the isolation room because his immune system has been unstable, sometimes low, sometimes higher. This measure is to protect him from getting other infection.

Lam Tung-Shing and Yuen Lai-Wan have related to Edith that their daughter, a third year medical student at the University of North Carolina, happened to have a patient with NMO, the same type of rare decease that Fred has contracted. This patient became paralyzed waist down within three days after feeling ill. Now this patient is getting rehab to regain her lower body mobility. This again sounds very positive.

The expert doctor/professor on NMO, Dr. Traboulsee has called Edith at home to follow up on Fred's condition. He has now been put in touch with Fred's doctor in Langley hospital. Dr. Traboulsee will have medical information about Fred first hand and will be able to see Fred and be part of team to treat him. I have found a link for this doctor,

This is the end of the report, as told to me by Edith.

Now, I would like to draw your attention to an article posted by Rex Yau on April 23, 2011 on AKINNA Yahoo group message board,  ----  subject is Biology of Hope. Rex once asked me to comment on it as we had a conversation about suffering when we met in Vancouver a few years ago. I said to myself that when someone suffers, he needs to have hope, but this hope must be supported by his faith and action. Then in turn his faith deepens and his hope becomes more reachable. The cycle continues on.

When I re-read it now, this article has even more meaning. It is real among us; it hits home. I extracted a few sentences below for Edith, with which she can use to encourage Fred.

"When you are hanging on by your fingernails and someone says, `I believe you can do this,' it actually gives you a physical lift. Despair physically deflates us. But hope can raise your serotonin levels."

When we are suffering or fearful, our hopes may often be dim, but they must include reasonable expectation.

Hope often requires enormous effort and shapes real lives.

Fred, we believe you can do this.

Cecilia Lee

作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-6-11 10:51
Good News

Dear  Friends,

This week, we continue to have encouraging news about Fred on his progress.

In her own words, Edith said "Fred is getting better, at least he re-gained his confidence, he can sit up more often, hopefully some more will come back. His spirit is improving."

This sums it up for all of us.

Unlike in the previous update when Fred was having breathing problem after sitting up for a few minutes, he is gradually improving the duration. It started off with several minutes and over the last week, has extended to 4 hours. This alone has significant importance in Fred's well being, like more regular bowel movement and reduction in puffiness 腫.

His vision also appears to have improved. He has been seen turning his head in accordance with people's movement. He can respond correctly to some preliminary vision test, like how many fingers do you see. He can distinguish correctly the colour of the gown worn (required in isolation room) by Edith, as being light colour, in fact yellow  with stripes.

Everyday, the physiotherapist 物理治療師 would come to help mobilize 活動 the hip joints for Fred. This and support media for his feet etc are to improve/maintain the strength and elasticity of his muscles. The use of tight socks also provides the necessary support to his legs to maintain healthy blood pressure.

Edith is particularly delighted to see the change in Fred's attitude. Even without the service from the Psychologist at this time, Fred has the necessary determination to work with medical staff on his physical challenges. He is working cooperatively with Edith in making decisions on this road to recovery. They have the mutual understanding that as long as they do not give up, they can expect progress will continue to come. They treasure every moment seeing all the little progressing steps towards full recovery.

In my conversation with Edith this week, Edith is more upbeat in her voice, although she has been very strong all along. She is very pleased with all the care received by Fred in the hospital. She is very grateful to the Canadian Health Care System in providing the best service without the financial burden to them during this challenging time.

Let me quote for you, Edith and Fred,

When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears
- Anthony Robbins
Cecilia Lee

作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-6-22 19:22
Good News from 虞紅娣

Scan_Doc0002.pdf (510.65 KB, 下載次數: 1405)
作者: socheung    時間: 2011-6-23 12:10
Here below is posted on ANAA by Toalyau on 19 July:

Today, Fred had 3 visitors, Toalyau, Cynthia and Cecilia. He had a lot of improvement since we saw him last time about a month ago. He can now sit up for a long time. Staying in bed for too long is not a good idea. We were told he can expand his lungs by sitting up longer. He can see if you are standing or sitting down, if you are wearing a belt in front of you and he can scoop food from a bowl without much aid. However, he does not have much appetide and has lost a lot of weight. He is working to increase his weight and having physiotherapy every day to increase his strength. With Edith's loving care, there is no doubt that Fred will be on a solid recovery path.

[ 本帖最後由 socheung 於 2011-6-23 12:16 編輯 ]
作者: socheung    時間: 2011-7-6 23:59
Here below is posted by Cecilia Leung on AANA today :--

Dear AA Friends,  

Thanks Bing Kee for asking, I have some update to share. Others who know can add in

I have returned from Vancouver for over a week now. During my stay in Vancouver, I have seen Fred in 3 separate occasions. He still stayed in the isolation room in Langley hospital then (June 16 - June 25). He has good days and bad days. The good time was mostly when friends came to visit and support him. He also enjoyed good food brought for him by friends and Edith as he does not like hospital food. There have also been bad days when he felt so down that he would stay in bed, even when he was supposed to be sitting up.

I witnessed he has a lot of difficulty doing his physiotherapy exercises even with the most basic movements like reaching for his toes while sitting. However, compared to his initial sessions, when he could hardly sit up, the physiotherapist credited him for making excellent progress. We encouraged him to set near term, reachable goals so that he could celebrate every time he is there. That day, we celebrated and clapped. Fred clapped too!

As of July 4th, the hospital is planning to discharge him. As Fred is waiting for the Rehab Centre, for the moment, he will be moved to a regular ward. He might have moved by now.

He also has a 3rd chemo scheduled on July 15th. While Fred was not satisfied with the progress since his 2nd chemo, Edith has a different opinion. She believed Fred has made tiny improvement on seeing and leg movement, as long as he is focussed. So before Fred will be given a different medical treatment which is available to him if chemo is stopped, he will go ahead with the July 15th chemo. The chemo did not appear to have a terrible effect on Fred so far.

When the Rehab Centre is available for Fred, he will move to Vancouver which is where this Rehab Centre is located. This Centre is famous for having an excellent physiotherapy facility.

In the mean time, Edith is on medication for her liver condition. She went for her ultra sound examine a couple of days ago.

作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-7-8 12:10

fred is getting better, he is recovering most of his vision, move his upper body,he will be transferred to a Rehabilitation Center, most probably in Abbotsford. he is a bite upset as he is expecting to be in GF Strong instead which is the most well known one in Vancouver.

God bless him.


作者: socheung    時間: 2011-7-18 22:52
下面是最新放在 AANA 阿霍的消息 :  (18-07-2011 上午)
Hi all:  A few days ago I  talked to Edith about Fred's condition.   She said that there has been some progress.   He can "see" a shadow and whether she wore a hat or not, but still no colour or sense of brightness.    He couldn't tell the light is on or not.  There has been a small movement in the foot but he was not aware of it.  The 3rd chemo therapy was schedule on Jul 15, 11.   Hopefully it would more improvement.

He is not ready to move to a Reh. Centre yet.   


[ 本帖最後由 socheung 於 2011-7-18 22:57 編輯 ]
作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-9-11 15:18

作者: 鄧姑    時間: 2011-9-11 15:21

[ 本帖最後由 鄧姑 於 2011-9-11 15:23 編輯 ]
作者: socheung    時間: 2012-4-2 12:09
Here below is just posted by Rex Yau on the ANAA :

We had a group of five people visiting Fred today in Langley at the hospital. It had been a very challenging year for the Fok family with its highs and lows. However, I am happy today to report to you that Fred has improved a lot since we saw him last time. He is one step forward to become more independent. He has stepped up on exercise, especially to the upper body and has been lovingly cared for by Edith. On leaving, I have the feeling that Fred is going to improve more by the time of our next visit.
作者: stl    時間: 2012-4-3 17:25
作者: socheung    時間: 2012-7-10 00:25
本帖最後由 socheung 於 2012-7-10 00:36 編輯

The photo was taken by Toalyau at Fred's home a few days ago when the ANAA welcomed Leung YC in Vancouver.

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